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What should I bring to rehab?

For many of us it isn’t our first time at the rodeo. In fact if you understand the saying “first time at the rodeo” it definitely isn’t your first time in rehab. For those of us, who are coming to rehab for the first time we have no idea what to expect and that includes what to bring to rehab. My first time through rehab I was totally unprepared. I brought clothes that were uncomfortable and bordering inappropriate and I brought electronics that were totally unnecessary. That is why we are here to tell you what you should bring to rehab. If you are wondering “what should I bring to rehab?” regardless if it is your first time, second time, whatever time (hopefully your last time), this blog is for you.

1. Comfortable clothing

Don’t bring your nicest dresses, your dress suits, or anything that could be considered inappropriate. Rehab is not a fashion show and you aren’t trying to attract anyone of the opposite sex. The kind of clothes you want to bring to rehab, are the clothes you want to be in that are comfortable so you can focus on what is truly important and that is your recovery. If you are lucky enough to be coming to rehab in South Florida bring a bathing suit! Lots of sun, the beach and the pool! Possibly workout clothes too if you have access to a gym or want to work out during rehab.

2. Personal hygiene products

Bring your toothbrush, your hairbrush, your shampoo, your body wash, your razors etc. You may not be allowed to have these things during detox but you will be allowed to have them in rehab. And chances are if you are like me you could use some cleaning up. So bring everything you need to take care of your personal hygiene. (Just make sure they don’t have alcohol in it)

3. Cellphones, laptops, music devices

You should probably ask the rehab you will be attending about these three items. Cellphones, laptops and music devices are sometimes allowed. For instance, at some rehabs they will allow you to have your cellphone or laptop at certain times during the day. As for music devices; if it can’t access the internet you are probably good to go. I know for me music really helped me in rehab.

4. Money

You don’t need to bring your whole bank account with you, just some petty cash. Petty cash will most likely be kept at your rehabs residential office. For the most part, the rehab provides everything you will need monetarily and any money needed during rehab can be transferred into a rehab account for you to access when you need it.

5. Bedding, pillows, blankets

Some rehabs will allow you to bring your own bedding. Not full bedding but if you have blankets that make you comfortable or an extra pillow most of the time you can bring it with you to rehab. It will probably need to be washed before you can bring it in, but you can bring it. Again, talk to the rehab you will be attending about this.

6. Over the counter medications

If you are taking any vitamins or over-the-counter medications, bring them, and check with the nurse at your rehab if they are ok to have. Most rehabs will keep your over the counter medications and vitamins with your prescribed medications where you can have access to them whenever you need them. Make sure that all over-the-counter medications are in new, unopened packaging.

7. Reading and writing material

During down time at rehab you are going to need to have something to do. Oftentimes, rehabs will recommend reading or journaling. If you like to do this it is highly recommended to bring some of your favorite reading material as well as something to write with and write in. You can write down your story. I did this every day when I was in rehab and it was very therapeutic.

And last but not least, what is most important that you bring to rehab is an open mind, a willingness to learn and take suggestions and a determination to beat your addiction and alcoholism. These three things can make or break your rehab experience. Recovery is not saved for the few lucky ones who want it; it is for the people who put the effort in! So bring your best attitude with you to rehab, and you will see that after a short time your entire being and life is changing.

If you or your loved one is in need of drug rehab please give us a call at 800-951-6135.



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