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Grocery Shopping While in Treatment Grocery shopping while in treatment may seem like something trivial but it is not. Grocery shopping is a basic life skill and many of us who come into treatment have never grocery shopped a day in our lives and if... Learn More
How to let go of resentment for good How to let go of resentment for good Resentment is an important topic for the alcoholic or drug addict. The word “resentment” is mentioned 17 times in the big book. Consider this paragraph from the chapter “How it Works”: “It... Learn More
5 Steps to Building Self-Esteem after Addiction When recovering from addiction, many people struggle with low self-esteem. One of my therapists used to say “If you want higher self-esteem, you must do things that are esteem-able.” One of the reasons that drug addicts and alcoholics have low... Learn More
Does drug rehab guarantee sobriety? Does drug rehab guarantee sobriety? Drug rehab is the place people go to get their lives straightened out. Every addict and alcoholic makes a mess of their life and then needs something to help them begin to change and in... Learn More
10 Most Frequently Asked “Normie” Questions   There are multiple questions that “normies” aka people who aren’t in recovery, have for those of us who are in recovery. Unfortunately for those who are not in recovery it is nearly impossible to understand us. Nevertheless, this doesn’t... Learn More
Letting go of fear When I first started hanging out with people from Alcoholics Anonymous, I heard a lot of sayings and phrases that made absolutely no sense to me. People in the program are famous for these mottos. One thing I heard a... Learn More
Is drinking non-alcoholic beer in recovery a relapse? Non-alcoholic beer, mouthwash, cooking with wine: alcoholics in recovery are divided on whether or not using these products is actually a relapse. Some people think you should avoid any product that contains alcohol, not because it’s necessarily a relapse, but... Learn More
Celebrities who’ve struggled with addiction Celebrities who've struggled with addiction Addiction does not discriminate by gender, social class, race, or creed. It is a disease that touches everyone in one way or another. Even celebrities are not immune. Here are some celebrities that have struggled... Learn More
Developing Life Skills in Rehab A big part of drug and alcohol rehab is developing life skills while in treatment so you can better manage your life in sobriety when you get out. Believe it or not, though most rehab programs are adult-only, many of us come... Learn More
Opinion: Is Relapse Part of Recovery? Why do most people relapse or do they truly relapse? It seems like all the so called experts indicate that Relapse is just part of the process of reaching Recovery.  In fact some express and believe that it is normal... Learn More
How to find a sponsor If you want to work a solid program through a 12 step fellowship your first goal should be to find a sponsor. If you are thinking about doing this you are probably wondering how to find a sponsor. Well, the... Learn More

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