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Addiction Treatment Leads to Long-Term Sobriety Inpatient Drug Rehab and the Steps to Successful Recovery Achieving long-term sobriety through addiction treatment is not an easy process. In most cases, the longer someone who wants to recover is in some sort of an addiction treatment program, away... Learn More
South Florida Halfway Houses Recovering from an addiction can be a difficult time for anyone and sustaining long-term sobriety even more so.  How then are we to proceed?  Luckily there is a network of long-term aftercare programs available in the South Florida area.  These... Learn More
Drug Rehabilitation Process Scientists, specialists and institutions agree that drug addiction harms connections and functions of brain cells.  These changes, in areas such as the lateral frontal cortex, make it difficult for drug abusers to make sound decisions. Unfortunately, many continue to use... Learn More

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