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Sober House Problems   [caption id="attachment_10564" align="aligncenter" width="445"][/caption] Dude, you going to eat that? Why can’t I stay out late? Who has an extra smoke? These are a few of the questions anyone who has lived in a Sober Living House has... Learn More
In the News: Florida House Passes Sober House Bill The Florida House on Thursday approved a bill, known as HB 479, which could lead to requiring specific certification of substance-abuse recovery facilities known as “sober houses.” The bill was introduced by concerned local government officials whose constituents have been... Learn More
The 6 Stages of Rehab as told in Pineapple Express gifs [caption id="attachment_10500" align="aligncenter" width="350"] via[/caption] Going to rehab means that somewhere inside, you’re beginning to face a scary and startling realization: that you suffer from the disease of addiction. And just like any other life-altering medical diagnosis, you are... Learn More
Sober Living in Delray Beach: The Wild Wild West? “For a long time, there’s been a problem with programs identifying themselves as sober homes where they’re anything but,” says Sheridan. In other words, in the poorest of these households individuals can stay and continue to use drugs as long... Learn More
Substance Abuse Treatment in Rockville, MD Substance Abuse is a Medical Condition Substance abuse treatment in Rockville, MD helps people who are abusing drugs and alcohol and cannot stop because they are physically dependent and/or addicted. These programs combine the use of certain medication and therapeutic... Learn More
Substance Abuse Treatment in Gaithersburg, Maryland Making the decision to seek treatment and get help for your substance abuse addiction can be a huge life change and really difficult. Going to substance abuse treatment in Gaithersburg, Maryland can make it easier by having you go through... Learn More
10 Truly Upsetting Recovery First World Problems [caption id="attachment_10176" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Photo Credit:[/caption] If you look at the problems you have today in comparison to the problems you had in active addiction, they aren’t so bad. I know that I tend to complain about a lot... Learn More
Substance Abuse Treatment in Concord, MA Are you coming to the realization that your drug use and alcohol intake may be a problem? Are friends or family members pushing you to seek out help? If this is the case, going to substance abuse treatment in Concord,... Learn More
Substance Abuse Treatment in Lexington, MA Being privileged enough to be able to go to a substance abuse treatment center is something a lot of people take for granted. If you are lucky enough to have an opportunity to go to treatment, you should definitely look... Learn More
5 Recovery Tattoos You Should Avoid At All Costs [caption id="attachment_10083" align="aligncenter" width="300"] via[/caption] Just like in the tattoo community, at large, there are certain superstitions and taboos to avoid when getting recovery-related tattoos.  So, for your consideration, here are 5 recovery tattoos you should avoid at all... Learn More

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