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Fatal Flakka Being Hidden in Children’s Candy Author: Justin Mckibben Flakka, the streets infamous ‘$5 Insanity’, has transformed the face of fear in drug abuse recently by corrupting minds and demoralizing communities all over the nation. Infecting people with intense hallucinations and hypertension often described as a... Learn More
Did Drugs Do This to Dylann Roof? Author: Justin Mckibben I personally find it disquieting what some people may believe, considering this story has been brought to headlines under this context so many times, so let me answer (in my opinion) the question presented by this articles title... No.... Learn More
America Taking Away DEA Money to Fund Awareness Author: Justin Mckibben I want to talk about an announcement truly significant as a deviation from the United States' decades long War on Drugs, which has time and time again been referred to as a failed endeavor of epic proportions.... Learn More
Murder: Do the Drugs Make You Do It? Author: Justin Mckibben How much does drug abuse or narcotic medication have to do with the body-count of a killer? Is the fiction of Dr. Jekyll self-medicating with a bottle of liquid evil and mutating into Hyde an ugly and... Learn More
How Heroin and Aspirin Are Related Author: Justin Mckibben Yea… got your attention, huh? Kind of curious to see how this one plays out? Well it is kind of weird to even consider the idea that the world’s most popular and successful legal drug ASPIRIN would... Learn More
The Delray Beach Sober House Discussion Author: Justin Mckibben Delray Beach in South Florida is a beautiful part of the Sunshine State with a thriving community. Florida is known for its warm days, miles of breathtaking beaches, and a variety of fabulous cultures. The state also... Learn More
Chicago Sentencing Drug Offenders to Treatment Not Jail Author: Justin Mckibben  For a long time now the idea has become more mainstream that instead of continuing to cram those charged with non-violent drug offenses into over-populated prison systems and probably trapping them in a cycle of criminal behavior,... Learn More
10 Charities that Help The Cause   By Cheryl Steinberg Being in recovery is all about giving back. And there are tons of ways to ‘give back.’ Besides time and energy, you can help out by also donating to organizations that do good works. Here are... Learn More
I Think About Suicide (Almost) Every Single Day of My Life [caption id="attachment_16401" align="aligncenter" width="437"] (This content is being used for illustrative purposes only; any person depicted in the content is a model)[/caption]   By Cheryl Steinberg Honestly, this one’s gonna be a hard one to write. Already, my pulse is... Learn More

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