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10 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Addiction [caption id="attachment_9306" align="aligncenter" width="500"] image credit:[/caption] Recovering from drug abuse and addiction isn’t a matter of willpower. People do not choose to become addicted just like they don’t choose to have diabetes or cancer. Turns out, both genetics and... Learn More
Book Review: Clean [caption id="attachment_9291" align="aligncenter" width="197"] Photo Credit:[/caption] Addiction can take your life away whether it’s with an overdose, illness or constant and chronic relapsing; the disease of addiction is a progressive and sometimes fatal illness. With David and Nic Sheff,... Learn More
15 Signs You Need a Meeting Going to meetings is a huge part of recovery and can be vital to staying sober. Meetings help us relate with other alcoholics or addicts around us who are going or have gone through similar situations as us. It’s just... Learn More
The 12 Best Songs About Recovery   [caption id="attachment_9199" align="aligncenter" width="400"] Photo Credit:[/caption]   Everyone loves a song that they can relate to; and being in recovery there are a lot of songs out there from musicians who struggled with addiction. Below I’ve listed what... Learn More
In the News: Justin Bieber Arrested in Miami   [caption id="attachment_9094" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Photo Credit: Miami Beach Police Dept. via[/caption] Justin Bieber's wild child antics may have finally caught up with him. The 19-year-old pop star has been arrested for drag racing and a DUI in Miami Beach early... Learn More
9 Signs You’re Doing Recovery RIGHT There are no clear-cut signs that you are doing recovery right but there are certain things that people who are successful in recovery have in common. Now, that’s not to say that if you’re doing these things you aren’t going... Learn More

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