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In Addiction News: March 22nd, 2013 Smoking Pot May Lead to Nicotine Addiction [Yahoo! News] Some Patients Can Control H.I.V. After Stopping Treatment [New York Times] Legal drugs might represent a quick fix but dependency proves hard to swallow [The Age] Assemblyman Is Charged With Marijuana... Learn More
Loneliness and Depression Can Fuel Addiction Loneliness and Depression Can Fuel Addiction Addiction often starts, and gets worse, from feeling lonely or depressed. Turning to drugs and alcohol becomes a way to cope with uncomfortable emotions like loneliness and depression. It numbs the pain from feeling alone, unwanted,... Learn More
Are you in a toxic relationship? Are you in a toxic relationship? Relationships play an important role in our lives. Some enrich us, help us to move forward, and make our lives worth living. Others can end up being toxic, and it’s not always easy to... Learn More
In Addiction News: March 21st, 2013 'America's Longest War': New Film Documents Damage Done By America's War On Drugs [Huffington Post] Washington state names "pot czar" after legalizing marijuana [ Yahoo! News] Marijuana Vending Machines Popping Up At California Pot Clubs  [ CBS San Francisco] Police... Learn More
Addiction and Identity Crisis   Addiction and Identity Crisis Getting out from under our addiction takes more than just getting rid of the drugs and alcohol. As addicts and alcoholics we also have to give up a large part of our identity. For so... Learn More
In Addiction News: March 20th, 2013 FDA Says Drug Dose 'Not High Enough' In Titan's Treatment For Heroin, Other  Opioid Addicts [Medical Daily] Studying drug-resistant HIV in Los Angeles County [ Los Angeles Times] Christie signs bill to ban synthetic marijuana [] STOPP-ing Prescription Drug Abuse [] Brain-Mapping... Learn More
What is an intervention? What is an intervention?  There was a time when the belief was that addicts and alcoholics would not be open to receiving help and staying sober if a severe rock bottom had not occurred. Families and loved ones of the... Learn More
Are we born addicts? Are we born addicts? This is the age old question of addiction: What causes people to become addicts? Is it genetic or environmental? Nature or nurture? Are we born as addicts or does our environment cause us to become addicts?... Learn More
How to Practice Humility in Your Recovery   When we lack humility, we usually end up disrespecting and hurting others. We can also end up feeling humiliated ourselves. This is one of the spiritual consequences of defying this spiritual principle. Practicing humility in your recovery makes you teachable,... Learn More
Helping Others is Crucial To Recovery Helping Others is Crucial To Recovery Anyone who has ever participated in a 12-step program knows that helping others is crucial to recovery. The principle is reflected in the stated purpose of Alcoholics Anonymous, which is to help individuals "stay... Learn More
Family Participation in Recovery is Necessary Family Participation in Recovery is Necessary Addiction often affects the whole family. Sometimes a family can try to help an addict or alcoholic and end up inadvertently enabling the addict or alcoholic to continue using and drinking. Often, the addict... Learn More

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