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12 Excuses Addicts Use To Cover Up Their Addiction There are several ‘tactics’ that addicts and alcoholics will use when it comes to making an effort to hide their addictions. They will often use strategies such as rationalization, minimizing, justifying, intellectualizing, lying by omission, avoiding, and flat-out denying their... Learn More
What is “4/20” really about? April 20th is fast-approaching and, if you’re a former marijuana smoker like me, then you get the significance. Potheads, weedheads, and stoners alike recognize the upcoming “holiday” that lands on 4/20 every year. In fact, the date is actually recognized... Learn More
The 9 Most (and Least) Realistic TV Alcoholics [caption id="attachment_10607" align="aligncenter" width="300"] credit:[/caption] Often times, there are the not-so-realistic TV alcoholics whose characters are written into a show’s storyline for sheer entertainment value. These types are the least realistic TV alcoholics because they are usually super-hammy caricatures... Learn More
11 Ways You Are Sabotaging Your Recovery [caption id="attachment_10592" align="aligncenter" width="400"] via[/caption] You might be newly clean and sober or you might have a lot of time in sobriety, either way, when it comes to recovery from addiction, we must remain ever-vigilant. That said, there are... Learn More
9 Things Drug Companies Don’t Want You to Know This is an extremely short list of the dirty things that Big Pharma does. Unfortunately, there are a lot of immorally wrong and even illegal things that the drug industry perpetrates. Here are just 9 things that drug companies don’t... Learn More
Did Peaches Geldof Die of an Overdose? Peaches Geldof, a young British celebrity and daughter of Bob Geldof – of Pink Floyd’s The Wall fame – was found dead in her home Sunday afternoon. I first came across the story the following day when a Buzzfeed article... Learn More
Substance Abuse Treatment in New Haven, CT Substance Abuse is a Medical Condition Substance abuse is a pattern of use of a substance – where the person uses the drug, or drugs, in doses and/or in ways that are harmful to themselves or others. It is also... Learn More
The True Cost of the Heroin Epidemic When we discuss the ‘true cost of the heroin epidemic,’ we’re not talking about fiscal dollars, although that is a factor in this latest chapter of American tragic history. We’ve reported on the toll heroin is taking all over the... Learn More
14 Things That Happen When You Don’t Drink [caption id="attachment_10557" align="aligncenter" width="389"] via[/caption] When you lead a sober lifestyle, you will most definitely cross paths with people who drink. Many of still have normies friends who can drink “successfully,” as we say. So, you’re probably quite used... Learn More
What We Can Learn from the AIDS Epidemic of the 80s [caption id="attachment_10548" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Via 1987[/caption] The commonalities between the early years of the AIDS epidemic and the current epidemic of drug addiction are impossible to ignore any further; we simply can’t afford to anymore – both literally and... Learn More

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