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Food Addiction vs. Eating Addiction By Cheryl Steinberg It’s a difference between two words – two words that seem almost interchangeable – although, that difference is all important when it comes to a certain type of eating disorder. Not the kind that has to with... Learn More
6 Ways to Overcome Fear of Failure Dr. Srini Pillay, Assistant Clinical Professor at Harvard Medical School says it best: “People often prepare for failure, but rarely prepare for what they will do when they succeed. Even when we consciously want to be successful, enjoying that success... Learn More
E-Cigs and Vapes: the Undercover Gateway Drugs? Author: Justin Mckibben This article is probably going to draw a bit of attention, and I’m sure that there will be a great deal of opinions seeing as how I have personally witnessed how popular ‘vapes’ and ‘e-cigs’ have become, especially... Learn More
No Folks, Marijuana is NOT a Gateway Drug  By Cheryl Steinberg Being less of an alcohol fan and more a certified pothead (in my using days, that is), I was always annoyed by the people who would go around saying that marijuana is a gateway drug; that it... Learn More
Is Tramadol Safe for People in Recovery?   By Cheryl Steinberg I just celebrated two years of sobriety, being clean and sober from all mood and mind-altering substances, save for caffeine and nicotine (nicotine-free now for 6 months). In my addiction, I used and abused anything I... Learn More
Obamacare and AA at Odds By Cheryl Steinberg The Affordable Care Act (ACA), also referred to as Obamacare, has been hailed a veritable god-send for those struggling with substance abuse and addiction as it makes access to treatment such as rehab a lot more widespread,... Learn More
Smartphone Sidewalk Indicates Cellphone Addiction Author: Justin Mckibben As technology advances and as our thoughts and actions as a society focus more and more on social media and staying connected through technology, many have alluded to the idea that people are slowly but surely become... Learn More
Narcan-like Drug for Cocaine Overdose in Development  By Cheryl Steinberg Chang-Guo Zhan, who is a pharmaceutical sciences professor in the United Kingdom, is working on the first FDA-approved drugs to treat both cocaine overdose and cocaine addiction. Currently, there is no approved treatment for cocaine overdose, which... Learn More
Substance Showdown: Ritalin vs. Meth   Author: Justin Mckibben The words Crystal Meth have a pretty solid reputation as the name of a dangerous and devastating drug. The physical signs of meth due to the recent surge of TV series covering this drug both in drama shows... Learn More

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