Since getting clean, I find myself partaking of many self-help weekends and seminars. I recently spent a weekend in Fort Lauderdale attending an Anthony Robbins seminar. As you may know, Palm Partners incorporates a great deal of these philosophies into their treatment program. Similar to the other seminars I have attended over the past few years, this weekend was outstanding and I left with a new motivation for what I want out of life and with a list of areas I would to improve in.
The seminar has me thinking about my recovery and my program, and how I can apply what I learned to them. Working the steps and practicing the principals in all of my affairs is the cornerstone to staying clean, but the real gifts of the program come from seeing the changes in our lives that come from doing the work. Working the steps is paramount to staying clean, but it is important to do things outside of the program to improve the quality of our lives. By working the steps diligently and honestly, we can improve every aspect of our lives, but it never hurts to branch out and do other things in order to work on ourselves.
I am always the last one to see my defects. They may be blatantly obvious to others, but it usually takes someone else to point them out to me in order for me to work on them. That is why I enjoy spending time working on myself in addition to working the steps and meeting with a sponsor. Whether it is therapy, a self-help seminar, or a mentoring program, I suggest finding something to challenge you. This will open up new avenues for growth and will improve your overall wellbeing.