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Relationship Counseling

Addiction doesn’t just affect the person who is drinking or drugging, it affects all those that are close to that person. Emotionally, physically, financially, the toll can be significant. All too often loved ones are overwhelmed feeling confused, angry, fearful and unsure as to what to do or how to handle their particular situation. That is why relationship counseling is exclusive part of inpatient drug treatment at Palm Partners.

Relationship counseling as a part of inpatient drug treatment at Palm Partners is a type of psychotherapy for couples, families, or established partners that are trying to resolve their problems. Typically two people attend relationship-counseling sessions together to discuss specific issues. Relationship counseling as a part of inpatient drug treatment is based on research that shows that individuals and their problems are best handled within the context of their relationships. Relationship counselors at Palm Partners are trained in psychotherapy and family systems, and focus on understanding their clients’ symptoms that contribute to problems in the relationship. A lot of the times those symptoms are things such as the loved ones’ drug use or drinking or the co dependency between each person.

Relationship counseling as a part of inpatient drug treatment at Palm Partners is usually a short- term therapy that may only take a few sessions to work out the problems. Usually the relationship counselors ask questions about the couple’s roles, patterns, rules, goals, and beliefs. Relationship counseling as a part of inpatient drug treatment often begins as the couple or family system analyzes the good and bad aspects of the relationships. The relationship counselor then works with the couple or family system to help them understand that, in most cases, both partners are contributing to problems in the relationships. When this is understood, when it is finally recognized that addiction and alcoholism is a family disease, the family system or couple can learn to change how they interact with each other to avoid future problems. Partners or families may be encouraged to draw up a contract in which each partner or member of the family describes the behavior he or she will be trying to maintain.

Having a relationship, marriage, or partner is not required to receive help from relationship counseling as a part of inpatient drug treatment at Palm Partners. Any person wishing to improve his or her relationships with anyone can get help with behavioral problems, mental or emotional disorders, and relationship issues. Relationship counselors as part of inpatient drug treatment at Palm Partners can also offer treatment for couples or families before certain problems arise by pin pointing specific problem areas. Relationship counseling at Palm Partners is also very impacting for families who have younger children who need help working out the differences and problem areas which in this case tend to be the addict or alcoholic’s drug and alcohol use. A lot of the times a person’s drug use and drinking can lead to divorce within a marriage, estranged families, and strained relationships. Relationships in the midst of stress can use relationship counseling as a part of inpatient drug treatment at Palm Partners to help them find common ground as they negotiate interpersonal issues, issues with their children, and issues within their relationships.

Relationship counseling helps couples, partnerships and families learn to deal more effectively with problems, and can help prevent small problems from becoming serious. Research shows that relationship counseling, when effective, tends to improve a person’s physical as well as mental health in addition to improving the relationships.

If you or someone you know needs inpatient drug treatment, call us at (877) 711-HOPE (4673) or visit us online at

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