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Author: Justin Mckibben
As an addict during the holidays, you may have a picture in your head of a happy family Christmas, but as a recovering addict I know that the reality is often far different than what we expect. Drug and alcohol addictions often get worse this time of year, so the idea of rehab for the holidays starts to sound better and better.
Between the stress of being with family, and the loneliness that can accompany this time of year for those isolated from their family or friends, people with drug and alcohol addictions often drink or use far more during the holidays.
Resentments can surface, and waiting to get treatment can simply extend your unhappiness. Some addicts think they should treat themselves this time of year and get loaded, but truly should consider treating themselves with rehab for the holidays. So here are some of the benefits.
Rehab for the Holidays: Time off
It’s usually easier to get time off during the holidays, especially if you are not trying to draw too much attention to that part of your life. Vacation is a perfect alibi for employers. Business slows down and schools go on break, so it may be easier to take the time needed to go to rehab for the holidays.
Going to rehab for the holidays can also limit the amount of sick days you will have to take off without pay, because you are going to rehab during a time you would have off anyway.
Rehab for the Holidays: Start a new life
Going to rehab for the holidays can help you out in a big way by giving you a fresh start. Despite the fact you may be away from the life you know, going to rehab for the holidays you can start a new life that free from drugs and alcohol.
People who wait for treatment are just prolonging their recovery, and who knows what can happen in just a few days. Being an active member of your family, and you will no longer be a slave to your addiction, but you have to make some sacrifices for this new life.
Rehab for the Holidays: DUH! It’s cold
One of the more obvious perks for most people about going to rehab for the holidays is that many centers are located in warm weather climates. You can begin the process of reshaping your life and your family while enjoying all the benefits of a mild winter.
Rehab for the holidays often affords you to play outdoor sports, walk on the beach, or eat breakfast on your porch every morning without freezing to death. Going to rehab during the holidays can be a very pleasant change of scenery, especially for addicts like me who are used to cold and brutal winters.
Rehab for the Holidays: Financial Help
Sometimes drug treatment can be expensive, but one of the benefits of going to rehab for the holidays is that you can talk to your friends and family about using the money they would have spent on your gifts to help you pay for rehab.
Now a lot of people probably think that’s a silly suggestion, but that is money that would have gone to material gifts, things you don’t need and many of us won’t hesitate to pawn. Put that toward your healing. Is there any better gift you could get for Christmas? Is there any better gift you could give to your family?
Rehab for the Holidays: Waiting can be fatal
Every single day people die, even during the holidays, while waiting to get into treatment. Either they change their minds because they have to wait, or their addiction is so bad that in the time they are waiting they overdose, get hurt or sick, or get in a car crash. Somehow, someway, some people do not make it.
No one thinks that it will happen to them, but the truth is, you never know. And opposite of that gift of sobriety for my family, what kind of gift is death to the ones you love because you chose to wait.
It is dangerous to wait until after the holidays to go to rehab. Statistically ore people are killed in crashes involving impaired drivers between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day than at any other time! More people overdose on drugs during the holidays too.
Any good addict can find a way to manipulate and justify anything, but for a lot of addicts this year will be their last chance, and some of them won’t take it because they think they have all the time in the world. If you know what it is like to suffer from an addiction and you want to make sure you’re around for the holidays next year, try rehab for the holidays this year. If you or someone you love is struggling with substance abuse or addiction, please call toll-free 1-800-777-9588