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So many incredible and talented people have experienced the disease of addiction. This is not an affliction that artistic, academic or athletic individuals are immune to. Addiction, alcoholism and other mental health issues find their way into the lives of countless men and women all over the world who come from all walks of life and who express themselves in several amazing and unique ways.

In recovery from addiction, talented individuals are able to reconnect to their passions or learn about new ones they never knew they had. Recovering addicts and alcoholics get to share their own experience and transformation in ways that both inspire and support others who feel connected to that experience.

In honor of the alumni from the Palm Partners treatment program, we like to celebrate the expressions our alumni submit to us to try and shed some light on their difficulties and their growth in recovery. A few weeks ago a graduate shared this poem with us, which he had written for his graduation. It is just one example of how spiritual growth and self-expression can mean so much to someone learning how to take hold of their new lease on life.   

“I surrender myself, into your care

I relinquish control, and this I swear.

Let go and let God, lead the way.

Trust in Him, never go astray.

Moment by moment, one day at a time

Have faith in Him and free your mind.

Be at peace, let go of your hate

You must cease to fight your fate.

Follow Him and follow through

Put Him first in all you do.

And if you do then wait and see

And what you’ll see is clarity.

An open mind with open eyes.

No longer blind to all the lies.

I found the way, the truth, the life.

I now can say I do what’s right.”

-Jeff R.

In this poem, Jeff shows how his personal relationship with his higher power and his commitment to a spiritual way of life has so much to do with his learning how to live again without the need of his addiction.

The right thing is not always easy, but with a solution in your life and the support of a spiritual practice recovery from drugs and alcohol can be a beautiful journey. This alumni has shown us through his words that his experience has a lot to do with his faith, and with turning toward it when the lies addiction feeds us become visible he was able to find a way out.

We are grateful for this share, and we wish all the best of luck and growth to Jeff as he moves forward in his new life. Thank you for your words of hope, and for allowing us to be part of the process that brought some of this passion back to life.

We know there are so many more Palm Partners alumni out there with talents, stories and experiences to share, and we encourage you to contact us and be part of the message that may help countless others. You never know how many lives you can touch, and how many people could make the choice that saves their life because of something that you choose to share. If you or someone you love is struggling with substance abuse or addiction, please call toll-free 1-800-951-6135. We want to help. You are not alone.

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Calls to numbers on a specific treatment center listing will be routed to that treatment center. Additional calls will also be forwarded and returned by a quality treatment center within the USA, which includes Right Path Rehab

Calls to any general helpline (non-facility specific 1-8XX numbers) for your visit will be answered by a licensed drug and alcohol rehab facility, a paid advertiser on

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