The iris has several layers of thin tissue that reveal the depth and spread of disease to various organs. Deeper markings reveal deeper disease states in that region of the body. Thus we have, in increasing order of severity: Acute, sub-acute, chronic, and degenerative. In the acute stage the body’s immune system has attempted a rapid destruction of the cause of disease, while a high degree of metabolism is still present.
Sub-acute markings show a slower metabolism and impaired immune function. It is possible at this stage to have minor organ damage which the patient/client must act upon to hasten the healing process. At this stage it is common for them to experience fatigue and a reduction in motor function, depending on the organ that is damaged. Markings will begin to appear higher in color contrast or a deeper brown or black color.
Chronic stages of disease find the organs damaged to such a degree that immediate action must be taken. A physician’s diagnosis of chronic pain in any of the bodily systems means a problem has existed for a longer period of time than should be and must be treated quickly. As with drug and alcohol addiction, which can lead to cirrhosis of the liver, brain damage, and colon cancer, all diseases, if not treated when symptoms first occur, can lead to even more serious, degenerative problems. Organ or system degeneration shows up in the iris as a deep, black hole, mainly with an irregular shape. It must be treated on a more regular basis, and protocols must be administered in a timely manner. At this stage, however, regeneration of damaged tissue is difficult to obtain unless the patient/client makes lifestyle changes on the spiritual, emotional, and physical levels.
In each stage the patient/client experiences nutritional deprivation as a result of the energetic and physical break in organ integrity. If the lungs are damaged, for instance, due to repeated smoke inhalation, full breaths cannot be taken, thus depriving one of full oxygen levels. Once oxygen levels are reduced it is impossible for blood to receive and process nutrients that are carried from the colon walls to other parts of the body. Fresh air is literally food for the body, just as a connection exists between food we intake through the mouth, the soil it is grown in, and sunlight we intake through the eyes and skin.
Furthermore, the colon, which is lined with and connected to muscles on its inner and outer walls, relies on taking full breaths that expand and contract the whole diaphragm. This in turn impedes intestinal peristalsis, which moves fecal matter outside the body. This is the end stage of digestion, which is called elimination.
If any of these physical problems occur, even for a short period of time it will be revealed in the iris