Michael Jackson’s personal doctor was found guilty on Monday of involuntary manslaughter in the pop star’s drug-related death in 2009 – raising thoughts on doctor’s over prescibing narcotics and what role they play in it.
What this is coming to and the realization is being seriously hit home right now is that doctor’s can get charged with murder for overprescribing meds.
Michael Jackson’s personal doctor being found guilty of involunary manslaughter is a sure sign of things to come for those doctor’s who are prescribing soley for monetary gain. The over prescription of drugs by doctors to those who may need it, can pay for it, or dont need it at all is a continuing problem in the United States and it’s and has been a big problem for the whole of South Florida.
This manslaughter charge on Michael Jackson’s personal doctor finally sends the message that yes this is wrong and this could put you behind bars- with a manslaughter charge or worse. We dont care if you are a doctor. I think the message is finally being conveyed that all doctors even Michael Jackson’s personal doctor; promise to do what is best for our health and our well being when they begin practicing medicine. For them to knowingly prescribe narcotics with the lethal effects they have can have on an individual and in copius amounts- while it isn’t stabbing someone- it plays a direct role in the deaths of many individuals who overdose on narcotics.
The death toll due to overdoses on narcotics or prescription drugs has increased rapidly in the past ten years. The story of Michael Jackson’s doctor is just a newsworthy sign of this. If we look at the CDC’s report, there were 20,044 overdose deaths from prescription drugs in 2008, 14,800 of which were from narcotic painkillers. Fox reported that “The CDC study found that enough narcotics are prescribed every year to medicate each and every adult in America every day for a month.”
This goes hand in hand with the fact that narcotics are easily available to due to the negligence of doctors just signing a slip of paper, handing it off and not really thinking of the consequences. Thats what Dr. Murray, Michael Jackson personal doctor didn’t think about as he gave Michael Jackson lethal doses of propofol to sleep. Now doctors are being charged as criminals which in a lot of cases they are. Everytime a doctor writes a prescription they get paid. Now does this mean every doctor is like this? Absolutely not.
The truth is we all should in my opinion be a little less reliant on a pill and a little more reliant on ourselves and holistic health to stay well. There are pills for everything now days. Narcotics to make you sleep, like Michael Jackson’s docotor gave him, narcotics to wake you up, make you happy, make you sexually active, and take the pain away. Our bodies were created to know how to heal themselves we dont always need to “take” something to make ourselves feel better. When starting prescription meds prescribed by a doctor make sure you ask what the side effects are, how much is a normal dose, and what it can do for you? Knowledge in this sense is power because with doctors such as Michael Jackson’s doctor its not so much about your well being. Be aware.
If you or someone you love needs help from prescription narcotics or any other drugs please call 877-711-HOPE(4673) or go to www.palmpartners.com