Crystal Meth is the common street name for methamphetamine. Widely used in the 1960’s and early ’70s, it virtually disappeared in the 1980’s. However, it has resurfaced on a massive scale nationwide in recent years.
Meth increases arousal in the central nervous system by pumping up levels of two neurotransmitters, nor epinephrine and dopamine. At low doses, it boosts alertness and blocks hunger and fatigue. At higher doses, it causes exhilaration and euphoria. At very high doses, the drug can cause agitation, paranoia, and bizarre behavior. The high from Crystal Meth tends to last 4-12 hours with users continuing to take the drug for days.
Anxiety, emotional swings, and paranoia are the most common psychological effects of chronic use of crystal meth. Symptoms increase with long-term use and can involve paranoid delusions or hallucinations. Violence and self-destructive behavior are also very common. Overdose is a huge risk with crystal meth. Symptoms include fever, convulsions, and coma. Death can result from burst blood vessels in the brain (triggered by spikes in blood pressure) or heart failure.
Methamphetamine use is very wide spread and very dangerous. If you, or someone you love has questions or needs assistance with an addiction, we can help.