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Health Problems Associated from Alcoholism Pt. 1

Alcohol has become so ingrained in our social culture that we often forget it is a poison. When you ingest poison it immediately begins to impact your body in ways that can cause serious health problems. Alcohol penetrates every cell in your body and directly affects your brain, heart, liver, pancreas, stomach, kidneys and lungs. At times people disregard the health problems associated with their drinking and blame it on aging or another disease they may have.

Here are some of the health problems associated with alcoholism that you should be aware of:

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS is a condition that causes individuals to be so fatigued that even normal daily activity becomes an exhausting task. Where Chronic Fatigue Syndrome comes from is still unknown but the symptoms include stress, illnesses that last for a long time, and bad habits when it comes to diet. The effects of chronic fatigue syndrome differ in length varying from a month to a year all the way up to several years.

Drinking alcohol during a period of chronic fatigue syndrome can have really harmful effects on the body. This is because alcohol is a depressant and long term drinking cause medical issues. For those who have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, alcohol’s depressant effects and medical issues are much worse.


Gallstones are named as such because they are like small stones. Gallstones are hard and have the appearance of a small pebble. Gallstones can be made up of different materials including cholesterol. Gallstones form in the bile that is stored in the gallbladder. Gallstones can stay in the gallbladder without causing too many problems but if they move into a duct they can cause a blockage and then serious problems.

There is actually no evidence that alcoholism can cause gallstones although, drinking a lot could indirectly cause the formation of gallstones and if someone already has gallstones, drinking excessive amounts could make the symptoms of gallstones much worse. Those people who already have gallstones should definitely avoid alcohol if it is at all possible until their doctor tells them it is ok to drink again.


Gastritis happens when the lining of the stomach becomes inflamed and swollen. This means that the cells in the stomach lining can’t produce the acid and enzymes they normally do. Gastritis is a common condition that is caused for many different reasons. Most people experience acute gastritis where the symptoms appear and then go away fairly quickly. Other people develop chronic gastritis where they have to deal with the symptoms for a long period of time.

When people drink too much alcohol it can wreak havoc on the stomach. In some instances, those people who drink too much alcohol regularly develop gastritis. Gastritis, in most cases, won’t lead to serious problems but it is very uncomfortable. Alcohol is not the only cause of gastritis but the risk of getting gastritis drastically decreases when someone stops drinking alcohol or drinks moderately.

Gum Disease

Gum disease or periodontal disease is caused by three or more disease causing pathogens. Gum disease can be categorized as mild, moderate, or severe. Gum disease can end up damaging the bone and connective tissues that supports the teeth. Gingivitis is the warning sign of periodontal disease.

Alcoholism or consuming alcohol can and will cause gum disease. The reason for this is that alcohol impairs the body’s immune system or its ability to fight infection. Because of that bacterial growth and increased penetration into gum tissues can end up being the result. Not only that, but drinking a lot of alcohol dehydrates the mouth so bacteria isn’t washed away by saliva and plaque formation happens faster.

If your loved one is in need of alcohol detox or treatment for alcoholism please give us a call at 800-951-6135.




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