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New Coffee Upgrade: Is It a Relapse? Author: Justin Mckibben So we have already discussed how some people believe drinking coffee excessively should practically be considered a relapse. The mind and mood altering properties of coffee can be debated and analyzed all day, and opinions will still... Learn More
10 Things I Learn From Being a Sponsor Author: Justin Mckibben As an active member of a 12 Step fellowship, I was given the suggestion upon completing the other steps to sponsor a newcomer who struggles with alcohol and drugs. Actually my sponsor made a deal with me... Learn More
If You Could Erase Your Past, Would You? Eternal Sunshine of an Addicted Mind When I came across an article on called, “Erasing Your Traumas,” I was intrigued. I also immediately thought of the 2004 Oscar-winning movie, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. The basic premise (don’t... Learn More
10 Most Common Resentments in Early Recovery By Cheryl Steinberg You’ve probably heard this a bunch already but, resentments will take you back out. When you take a look at what the word, itself, means, it might give you some insight into why holding resentments can be... Learn More
6 Reasons Why Young People Don’t Like Religion By Cheryl Steinberg Although I’m probably on the top (read: older) end of the so-called Millennial generation, I would say that I can identify with these 6 reasons why young people don’t like religion. Generation D Millennials are also referred... Learn More
Are the 12 Steps the Only Way? By Cheryl Steinberg As much as 90% of the drug and alcohol rehabs in America endorse the 12 Step approach to treatment and recovery and yet, research shows that there’s a better way: combining therapy and medication. If you are... Learn More
What Writing Will Do For Your Recovery   Author: Justin Mckibben Whoever though that writing would inspire freedom in recovery? I know before getting sober I had no clue the power of the written word, and now I write about recovery for a living! Life can be... Learn More
Down with OPP (Other People’s Programs) [caption id="attachment_13994" align="aligncenter" width="450" class=" "] via[/caption] By Cheryl Steinberg Taking other people’s inventory, you know you do it. Or you have done it in the past. Probably early on in your recovery as well as on days that... Learn More
Can You “Grow Out” of Your Drug Addiction? By Cheryl Steinberg According to large studies that focus on diseases, most people who have a diagnosable addiction problem tend to quit using drugs around their mid-20s and, without treatment. That may be due to the fact that, around your... Learn More

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