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Anti-Drug Campaigns: Faces of Meth vs. D.A.R.E. The Office of National Drug Control Policy, established in 1988, runs the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign, a propaganda machine created to stop kids from using drugs and controls the money behind anti-drug ad campaigns like "My Anti-Drug" and "Above... Learn More
In the News: Jonathan Rhys Meyers Battle with Addiction   [caption id="attachment_11119" align="aligncenter" width="455"][/caption] Jonathan Rhys Meyers is commonly known for his roles in “The Tudors” and “Mission Impossible.” The star of the new NBC show Dracula has opened up recently about his battles with alcoholism and depression.... Learn More
5 Things No One Tells You about AA Many people go into Alcoholics Anonymous with their minds already made up on what AA is about. But there are definitely some things about AA that no one tells you and you don’t find out until you get into the... Learn More
Black Friday: 5 Signs you’re a Shopaholic Thanksgiving is a few days away and for those of you that this article applies to, you’re only thinking about one thing: Black Friday Shopping! Enjoying shopping is one thing, but are you addicted to shopping? Psychologists call it Compulsive... Learn More
Best Drug Rehab in Florida Deciding to go to a drug rehab facility can be a very tough and emotional procedure, and you should make sure you select the best one for you. Look into the types of services and special programs the center offers,... Learn More
Movie Review: Flight Flight is a great movie that received excellent reviews. In this action-packed mystery thriller released in 2012, Denzel Washington gave a captivating performance as an alcoholic and drug addict pilot. What was this movie actually about? There were rumors floating... Learn More
Addiction Treatment in Talbot County, MD Addiction Treatment in Talbot County: What is Addiction? Addiction involves a few things beginning with physical dependence – you have built up a tolerance, meaning that you need to have more and more in order to achieve the same feeling... Learn More
What Not to Do: Enabling Behavior A lot of times when family and friends try to "help" alcoholics, they are in fact making it easier for them to remain in the progression of the disease. This baffling occurrence is called enabling, which takes many forms, all... Learn More
How to Act in a 12 Step Meeting Working a 12 Step program is about having discipline, respect, and being less self-seeking and selfish. Or at least it’s supposed to be. Sometimes, or a lot of times, when we go to meetings, others there clearly have some work... Learn More

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