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In The News: Michael Phelps Apologizes for DUI Arrest [caption id="attachment_13908" align="aligncenter" width="384" class=" "] photo via-[/caption] Author: Justin Mckibben Michael Phelps is pretty well known for his record-breaking accomplishments as an American Olympic swimmer, for being the most decorated Olympian of all time with a total of 22 medals,... Learn More
Rehab for Marijuana Addiction Laugh if you must but, more and more people are seeking rehab for marijuana addiction. Among its users, marijuana is generally considered harmless – and now more than ever, what with the legalization of medical marijuana and even recreational use... Learn More
Synthetic ‘Cloud 9’ Causing Serious Controversy Author: Justin Mckibben Synthetic drugs have become a considerably relevant issue in recent years, with everything from the drug Kratom to Spice, these chemical cocktails are designed to fly under the radar while being solicited to teens as a quick... Learn More
Who’s Taking What Drugs, Globally Speaking By Cheryl Steinberg Did you know that analyzing waste water – yes, what you flush when you use the bathroom – can reveal what drugs are popular in your corner of the world? Gross – yet interesting. When you take... Learn More
Is Tramadol Safe for People in Recovery?   By Cheryl Steinberg I just celebrated two years of sobriety, being clean and sober from all mood and mind-altering substances, save for caffeine and nicotine (nicotine-free now for 6 months). In my addiction, I used and abused anything I... Learn More
Obamacare and AA at Odds By Cheryl Steinberg The Affordable Care Act (ACA), also referred to as Obamacare, has been hailed a veritable god-send for those struggling with substance abuse and addiction as it makes access to treatment such as rehab a lot more widespread,... Learn More
Smartphone Sidewalk Indicates Cellphone Addiction Author: Justin Mckibben As technology advances and as our thoughts and actions as a society focus more and more on social media and staying connected through technology, many have alluded to the idea that people are slowly but surely become... Learn More
Does Instagram need a #Intervention? Author: Justin Mckibben It seems in society today cats in costumes and selfies layered in filters and hash-tags are not the only thing getting attention all over Instagram. Apparently thousands of accounts, perhaps even more to date, are currently being... Learn More

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