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New Coffee Upgrade: Is It a Relapse? Author: Justin Mckibben So we have already discussed how some people believe drinking coffee excessively should practically be considered a relapse. The mind and mood altering properties of coffee can be debated and analyzed all day, and opinions will still... Learn More
15 Reality Stars Arrested for Drugs Celebrities seem to always be in the news for misbehaving. Here are 15 reality stars arrested for drugs. #1. Ronald Dunlap, Cheer Perfection Dunlap is the co-owner of the gym featured in a reality show on the TLC channel. He... Learn More
SWAT Raid Shatters Boca Raton Stigma [caption id="attachment_14267" align="aligncenter" width="403" class=" "] Photo[/caption] (Right to left: Hassan Jones/Terry Utter/Antonio Francula) Author: Justin Mckibben Some people still think that an area like Boca Raton, Florida is basically immune to things like drug addiction run rampant or... Learn More
Dual Diagnosis Treatment in West Palm Beach, FL Dual Diagnosis Treatment in West Palm Beach, FL Defined Quite often, mental illness and addiction go hand-in-hand. And because these are both recognized as medical conditions by medical professionals, there is specialized treatment available that is designed to treat these... Learn More
More People Using Heroin in the Workplace By Cheryl Steinberg When I came across this article, I have to admit, my interest was piqued. After all, I was what would be considered a functional addict and I was one of the people this article is talking about:... Learn More
First Diagnosis for Internet Addiction Disorder: Google Glasses   [caption id="attachment_14210" align="aligncenter" width="409" class=" "] Photo[/caption] Author: Justin Mckibben The first reported case of internet addiction disorder with Google Glasses has supposedly been treated, according to a new study published in the journal Addictive Behaviors. One man who reportedly... Learn More
Detox for Pain Meds After Surgery or Illness   Were you prescribed pain meds after surgery or a serious illness? Are you now trying to stop taking the meds, only to find that you begin to feel sick, depressed, and anxious? This is a sign of drug dependence... Learn More
If You Could Erase Your Past, Would You? Eternal Sunshine of an Addicted Mind When I came across an article on called, “Erasing Your Traumas,” I was intrigued. I also immediately thought of the 2004 Oscar-winning movie, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. The basic premise (don’t... Learn More

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