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Finger Print Drug Testing is the Future Author: Justin Mckibben Recently there has been a lot of talk about new technologies being developed in regards to drug testing and new devices that have been developed here or there that are designed to detect specific narcotics. From marijuana... Learn More
Mad Max on Crack: Tom Hardy Speaks Up About Battle with Addiction [caption id="attachment_16811" align="aligncenter" width="333"] Photo Via:[/caption] Author: Justin Mckibben I have to say that being a huge movie buff, and I'm the kind of guy who tries to remember every role my favorite actors/actresses play in. I highly anticipate... Learn More
New Zip Lock Bag Destroys Drugs Author: Justin Mckibben Prescription drug abuse is easily one of the biggest health concerns facing Americans today. Prescription painkillers and other narcotic medications have made a vast contribution to the overdose epidemic, and experts in the area of drug addiction... Learn More
Breaking Bad: Catholic Priest Edition By Cheryl Steinberg A Roman Catholic priest – albeit a former one – seems to have crossed over to the dark side, living out his own little version of Breaking Bad. Dubbed "Monsignor Meth," Kevin Wallin, has been given a jail... Learn More
Quarterback Max Hall on Addiction and Recovery [caption id="attachment_16755" align="aligncenter" width="350"] Photo[/caption] Author: Justin Mckibben From Mixed Martial Arts fighters and professional wrestles, to Olympic gold-medalists and extreme sports there is no shortage for stories relating to substance abuse on and off the field. Couches and players alike have... Learn More
Drugs that Make You Want to Die Author: Justin Mckibben Why do drug addicts use? Well typically we addicts are using with the intention to get high. But what usually happens is the drugs take us to our lowest lows, and I say that speaking from experience.... Learn More
Healing Life with Light: How to Treat Addiction Using Light [caption id="attachment_16716" align="aligncenter" width="439"] (This content is being used for illustrative purposes only; any person depicted in the content is a model)[/caption] Author: Justin Mckibben Image the sun being the only source of pain relief you needed. For too long... Learn More
Pornography Addiction: XXX Edition By Cheryl Steinberg Pornography Addiction: Is it real? Currently, porn addiction is not a diagnosis listed in DSM-5. "Viewing online pornography" is mentioned in the diagnostic manual but, it is not considered a mental disorder either. The current Diagnostic and... Learn More

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