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In the January 13, 2011 blog entry, we examined the importance of using reflexology as both a diagnostic and a healing method. Reflexology can be used to assist in healing many types of disease and injuries to the body. The chart above highlights reflex points on the top, bottom, and sides of each foot, as well as the ankles. Ironically, the ankle points above the Lymphatic/Groin/Fallopian areas are not shown, but some reflexologists use these higher areas to stimulate other areas of the body.

When we receive physical trauma that causes bruising or a bump to form, our natural inclination is to rub, knead, and lightly press the affected area. This is known as massage, which consists of reflexology along with direct pressure on the musculoskeletal system. One doesn’t need extensive training do use reflexology. In fact, walking barefoot on natural land such as grass, dirt, sand, and stone can actually manipulate the reflex points on the bottoms of each foot stimulating the organs.

To experience reflexology yourself, try walking and jogging on the beach barefooted. This has the added benefit of building up the smaller muscle fibers and tendons in the calves, as well as the ligaments in the knees. Some have actually healed spinal, hip, knee, and ankle injuries by running barefoot.

Utilize reflexology on a daily basis, no matter your age. Anyone from infants to elders can learn and use this art form for themselves and their families.

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