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How NOT to Get Along with Your Halfway House Roommates (As Told By Mean Girls)

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We’ve plenty of how to lists lately so I figured let’s make a how NOT to get along with your halfway house roommates, as told by Mean Girls. There is an endless amount of ways to piss off your halfway house roommate but I’ve thought of just some of them.

How NOT to Get Along with Your Halfway House Roommates (As Told By Mean Girls):

Go after the guys that you know they have a crush on (you really shouldn’t be dating yet anyways)

How NOT to Get Along with Your Halfway House Roommates (As Told By Mean Girls)

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Make up random catch phrases and start saying them constantly (this will really annoy your roommate)

How NOT to Get Along with Your Halfway House Roommates (As Told By Mean Girls)

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Ruin their clothes when they’re not around (and then just wait for them to notice)

How NOT to Get Along with Your Halfway House Roommates (As Told By Mean Girls)

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Become an obsessive friend (freak out when they decide they want to do something without you)

How NOT to Get Along with Your Halfway House Roommates (As Told By Mean Girls)

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Say inappropriate things to them in public (things they really wouldn’t want you saying)

How NOT to Get Along with Your Halfway House Roommates (As Told By Mean Girls)

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Tell them they can’t sit with you at meetings (you don’t want to be seen with them)

How NOT to Get Along with Your Halfway House Roommates (As Told By Mean Girls)

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Make a book with mean things about everyone in it and leave it laying around (with mean things about them in it, too)

How NOT to Get Along with Your Halfway House Roommates (As Told By Mean Girls)

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When they start talking about their problems, tell them to shut up (no one cares)

How NOT to Get Along with Your Halfway House Roommates (As Told By Mean Girls)

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Tell everyone all of their secrets (whether they told you or you overheard)

How NOT to Get Along with Your Halfway House Roommates (As Told By Mean Girls)

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Stay up on the phone all night long while they are trying to sleep (this will make anyone crazy)

How NOT to Get Along with Your Halfway House Roommates (As Told By Mean Girls)

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Make a big deal about ‘who you are’ and they should know how important you are (don’t you know who I am?)

How NOT to Get Along with Your Halfway House Roommates (As Told By Mean Girls)

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Always be trying to get them to buy things for you (lets go get food, but I’m broke will you buy?)

How NOT to Get Along with Your Halfway House Roommates (As Told By Mean Girls)

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Say you love them to their face when you really don’t (mwah, love ya!)

How NOT to Get Along with Your Halfway House Roommates (As Told By Mean Girls)

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Tell people they are socially retarded and weird (but you’re a good person for being their friend, though)

How NOT to Get Along with Your Halfway House Roommates (As Told By Mean Girls)

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Try to get them to wear the same things you wear, or vice versa (on Wednesdays we wear pink!)

How NOT to Get Along with Your Halfway House Roommates (As Told By Mean Girls)

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Drive your halfway house owner crazy and make them very upset towards you both (this will for sure make your roommate dislike you)

How NOT to Get Along with Your Halfway House Roommates (As Told By Mean Girls)

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In all reality, these are things you really shouldn’t be doing to your halfway house roommates. These are the people you have to share a living space with and get along with for however long your commitment is to the halfway house. It is so much better when you don’t have drama and disagreements with your roommates. I know for me, I got along with the girls in my halfway house and it made the experience so much more enjoyable.

The people you live with can end up becoming some of your biggest supports; but also remember not all of them are going to stay sober so stick with the people who are doing the right thing. Hang around the people who are going to meetings, working their steps and trying to work a solid program of recovery. You also want to make friends with people who have long-term sobriety. As long as you are willing to do anything and want to be sober, you can! If you or a loved one are struggling with substance abuse or addiction, please call toll free 1-800-951-6135.


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