About half of the people who keep smoking will die because of it. In the United States, tobacco causes nearly 1 in 5 deaths, killing about 443,000 Americans each year. Smoking is the single most preventable cause of death in our society.
Based on current patterns, smoking will kill about 650 million people alive in the world today. If these patterns continue, tobacco-caused deaths worldwide are expected to increase from about 5.4 million per year today to more than 8 million per year by the 2030s. Most of these deaths will happen in developing countries.
Sadly, the sickness and the pain caused by the addiction to cigarettes will be shared by those closest to the smoker. As the individual’s health deteriorates, so they will become a burden, emotionally, physically and financially, to their loved ones. Cigarette smoking leads to misery and death, but quitting smoking reduces the likelihood of illness and the misery that comes with it. Palm Partners is committed to helping it’s employees and clients break free from the addiction to cigarettes.