Drug and alcohol treatment in Lambertville, NJ helps get you away from the disorder of your everyday life and shows you different skills on how to be sober. How do you know if you need treatment? If you feel that you must use a drug or substance and are incapable of stopping when you want or need to, then you undoubtedly would profit from seeking some form of help or drug and alcohol treatment in Lambertville, NJ.
Drug and Alcohol Treatment in Lambertville, NJ: I need help; what now?
When you first get to a treatment center, they will give you a drug screening to see what substances are in your system. Once they give you the drug test, they decide what type of medical care you need to get you physically sober and totally detox your body. There is drug and alcohol treatment in Lambertville, NJ that may have a detox center in the facility, but occasionally they have to send you somewhere else for your detoxification procedure. You will be medically assessed and they will give you the medication required to get you off of the alcohol or substances while trying to control and reduce your withdrawals as much as possible.
Drug and Alcohol Treatment in Lambertville, NJ: What happens after detox?
After you have been detoxed physically, you will then be assessed a second time for the rehab program. In drug and alcohol treatment in Lambertville, NJ, they evaluate you prior to treatment to see what form of treatment plan you need to best support you in recovering. Each individual is given a treatment plan precise to their requirements. You will work with a variety of counselors and therapists at the rehab to help you stay off alcohol and substances and make a strategy on how to do that. Your stay in treatment can be anywhere from 30 days to 6 months or lengthier, contingent on what is recommended by the counselors and what is decided upon.
Drug and Alcohol Treatment in Lambertville, NJ: I’ve completed rehab, now what?
Once you’ve finished the drug and alcohol treatment in Lambertville, NJ, they commonly recommend you complete the intensive outpatient program (IOP), go to a halfway house and go to meetings. The IOP program is aftercare for the treatment facility. You go to group sessions and meet with your therapist and carry on with your treatment plan. It is also suggested to attend meetings of whichever fellowship you decide on and to get a sponsor. Once you have a sponsor, typically most people work the steps. And as for the halfway house, it is just about continuing to be in a sober setting and being held responsible for your actions. You are erratically drug tested, expected to do your chores, given a curfew, required to get a job, etc. Most of us alcoholics and addicts are not used to living the everyday “normal” lifestyle, so it’s wonderful to have somewhere to go after rehab where you can learn how to live again. Drug and alcohol treatment in Lambertville, NJ can be a frightening and an unfamiliar route to go through, but the services here will do everything they can to make you as contented and safe as possible!
If you or a loved one are struggling with substance abuse or addiction, please call toll free 1-800-951-6135.