People who have the tendency to become an alcoholic or addict share a lot of things in common, in their thought processes and behavior. This is true of people in active addiction as well as those who may be sober but who are not doing the necessary work on themselves in order to successfully recover. Here are 9 signs you’re delusional in your thoughts and actions that are typical of the “alcoholic mindset.”
#1. Lying about your drinking and drugging (and pretty much everything)
It’s common for people who are abusing alcohol and other drugs to hide their using behaviors and to lie about it when confronted. But this tendency to lie begins to root itself deeply in your thinking and actions, and you start lying about everything – even “small stuff” that doesn’t have any real impact on anything. You might lie about what you did over the weekend or even about what you had for breakfast. This is one of the major signs you’re delusional as your substance abuse is slowly – or not-so-slowly – taking over your life.
#2. Unable or unwilling to empathize with others
As we spiral further into the descent of hell that is substance abuse and addiction, we become less and less willing to empathize with others – even to the point that we’re pretty much not even able to relate to other people in this way. Addiction is a selfish disease and this is apparent when you see how it clouds your ability to connect with fellow human beings through sympathy and empathy.
#3. Tendency to blame others or circumstances rather than take responsibility
People struggling with addiction and substance abuse are also very immature; seemingly unable to assume responsibility for what are clearly their actions. People in the grip of addiction will blame other people and even situations and circumstances rather than admit that something is their fault or their responsibility – yet another sign of being delusional.
#4. Unrealistic expectations of others and often of themselves
In recovery, we’re told to manage our expectations of others, of ourselves and of situations and their outcomes. That’s because, as addicts and alcoholics, we tend to have unrealistic expectations that can ultimately let us down, often times with dire consequences resulting. In this way, we can really be out of touch with reality and somewhat delusional.
#5. Being bossy and overbearing with others
People in active addiction or who are sober but “dry” tend to be overbearing and domineering with others as a way to overcompensate for their low self-esteem.
#6. A keen ability to ignore possible consequences to their actions
One of the other main signs you’re delusional is having an “oh-what-the-fuck” attitude: not caring about the consequences of your actions. It’s like you simply don’t care or like it’s not even on your radar that there could possibly be any fall-out to your decisions and actions.
#7. Shirking responsibilities and obligations
Alcoholics and addicts also tend to avoid taking care of their responsibilities and will let others take care of what they should be handling. It’s kind of like a toddler in their “terrible 2s” always saying “No!”
#8. Taking everything personally
Another sign that you’re delusional is that you seem to have a “thin skin” and be overly sensitive.
#9. Unable to deal with obstacles and other adversities constructively
Basically you all-out ‘lose it’ or shut down altogether when faced with any kind of resistance, objection, or difficulty, even if it’s small. It’s your way or the highway. Picture a small child throwing a tantrum. That’s you when you’re delusional about getting your way all the time.
If you or someone you love is struggling with substance abuse or addiction, please call toll-free 1-800-951-6135.