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The Sunshine State is known for its miles of beautiful beaches. Our state is much more than a pleasure cruise, however. Many people who dwell here view it just as home — a place to work, play, study and focus on the family. In many Florida communities, drug addiction and alcoholism are very real issues that must be approached delicately through the individual. If you are looking for help to overcome your chemical dependency, call Palm Partners Recovery Center right now.

Our dedicated addiction specialists are waiting to hear from you. Together we will construct an effective, all-inclusive

Data shows that those 26 and older particularly need – and aren’t receiving – drug detox and rehab in Florida. If you’re using and abusing drugs or alcohol, call Palm Partners Addiction Detox and Rehab now for immediate help: 561-972-8904. Get into the right facility and transform your life. Our professionals are standing by, 24/7.

What you should know

Florida is a prime area for international drug trafficking and money laundering organizations, and a principal thoroughfare for cocaine and heroin moving through the northeastern United States and Canada. That’s mostly due to the state’s more than 8,000 miles of coastline and many international airports, all presenting smuggling opportunities. In fact, the short distance between Florida and the Bahamas is a smuggling corridor. However, a recent trend is an increasing shift to ground transportation.

South Florida’s mix of nationalities and ties to Central and South America make the area a primary domestic command and control center for Colombian narcotics traffickers. But Mexican trafficking organizations also have moved into the state.

Compared to other states

Illicit drugs overall – average for those 26 and older, moderately low for those 18-25
Marijuana – average for those 26 and older, moderately low for those 18-25
Cocaine – average for those 26 and older, moderately low for those 18-25
Alcohol – average for those 26 and older, low for those 18-25
Pharmaceuticals – moderately low for those 18 and older

Source: SAMHSA’s most recent National Survey on Drug Use and Health, based on 2008-2009 annual averages. SAMHSA is the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration, part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

A closer look


A primary threat. Cocaine from South America comes directly to Florida or through the Mexican border. A major transportation route across the Caribbean is via the Bahamas. Although cocaine is consumed in Miami, most of it is distributed from there to Naples through Tampa Bay and outside the state. Mexican sources transport cocaine into Tampa Bay, where demand is mainly for conversion to crack. African-American and Haitian traffickers and street gangs dominate crack distribution that is mostly around public housing and in the inner cities.


A center for Internet sales. Internet holding companies, particularly in Tampa, organize websites, physicians, pharmacies and pharmaceutical wholesalers. The result is a serious threat with many people dying from prescription drug overdose. Benzodiazepines and methadone are the most commonly abused. Hydrocodone products and oxycodone products are also a problem.


Widespread with increased use in central Florida. Mexican traffickers move the drug in multi-pounds along the Southwest Border. Super labs in Texas and California bring in the drug along the Interstate 10 corridor. Crystal meth in high-purity levels comes from Atlanta. Most in-state labs are small, quick-cook ones that are set up anywhere and very portable.

Club drugs

Ecstasy most readily available dangerous drug throughout Florida. College students, especially during spring break, use Ecstasy at clubs and rave parties, often with other drugs. LSD is available, as is GHB, particularly in and around colleges and universities.


Domestically grown and imported. Indoor grow operations are equally in rural and residential areas throughout the state. Marijuana grown in state is coveted, because its quality is better than that from Jamaica or Mexico. Cultivation benefits from the sale of hydroponics equipment in many retail stores.

BC Bud, popular in northeast Florida, comes from Canada. However, marijuana is also imported from the Bahamas through Caribbean poly-drug traffickers and from the Southwest Border.


Somewhat of a threat.


Not significant in state. The majority of heroin entering Florida goes to the East Coast. Miami International Airport is the main transportation venue. Often heroin comes with cocaine, smuggled in legitimate cargo such as Colombia flowers. Cruise ships are another major method of transport. Most users are in Orlando, where heroin is the major threat. Their sources are South American. Heroin in southwest Florida and Tampa comes from Miami, Orlando and New York City. Most of the trafficking organizations have ties to Colombia and New York.

Percentage of Florida population using/abusing drugs

AGE1 18+
Past Month Illicit Drug Use2 7.46
Past Year Marijuana Use 9.12
Past Month Marijuana Use 5.36
Past Month Use of Illicit Drugs Other Than Marijuana2 3.72
Past Year Cocaine Use 2.37
Past Year Nonmedical Pain Reliever Use 4.41
Perception of Great Risk of Smoking Marijuana Once a Month3 42.90
Past Month Alcohol Use 56.29
Past Month Binge Alcohol Use4 24.34
Perception of Great Risk of Drinking Five or More Drinks Once or Twice a Week3 45.08
Illicit Drug Dependence2 1.81
Illicit Drug Dependence or Abuse2 2.55
Alcohol Dependence 3.40
Alcohol Dependence or Abuse 7.24
Alcohol or Illicit Drug Dependence or Abuse2 8.58
Needing But Not Receiving Treatment for Illicit Drug Use2,6 2.40
Needing But Not Receiving Treatment for Alcohol Use6 6.91
Serious psychological distress 10.21
Having at least one major depressive episode7 6.84

1 Age group is based on a respondent’s age at the time of the interview, not his or her age at first use.

2 Illicit Drugs include marijuana/hashish, cocaine (including crack), heroin, hallucinogens, inhalants or prescription-type psychotherapeutics used non-medically. Illicit Drugs Other Than Marijuana include cocaine (including crack), heroin, hallucinogens, inhalants or prescription-type psychotherapeutics used non-medically.

3 When the Perception of Great Risk in using marijuana or alcohol is low, use of marijuana or alcohol is high.

4 Binge Alcohol Use is defined as drinking five or more drinks on the same occasion (i.e., at the same time or within a couple of hours of each other) on at least 1 day in the past 30 days.

5 Dependence or abuse is based on definitions found in the 4th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV).

6 Needing But Not Receiving Treatment refers to respondents needing treatment for illicit drugs or alcohol, but not receiving treatment at a specialty facility.

7 Major Depressive Episode is a period of at least 2 weeks when a person experienced a depressed mood or loss of interest or pleasure in daily activities and had a majority of the symptoms for depression as described in the DSM-IV.

Source: Condensed version of the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2004 and 2005, from SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies.

Where do calls go?

Calls to numbers on a specific treatment center listing will be routed to that treatment center. Additional calls will also be forwarded and returned by a quality treatment center within the USA, which includes Right Path Rehab

Calls to any general helpline (non-facility specific 1-8XX numbers) for your visit will be answered by a licensed drug and alcohol rehab facility, a paid advertiser on

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